
Tips For Surviving Or Preventing A Heart Attack

Naturally getting medical attention is the first step in a heart attack situation, however if no help is available or while you're attempting to get medical help, or say your normal medication is out, the following alternative methods are helpful and effective and have been used for a very long time, far prior to modern medications:

There are two materials that aid in a heart attack situation:


1. Cayenne pepper. Ingestion of cayenne pepper, either as pills or just a straight 1/2 to 1 tsp with a bit of water to wash it down will aid in regulating the heart and forcing it into functioning again. There are polymers in the cayenne that are very necessary for normal heart function.

A good cayenne pepper supplement can be found here: http://amzn.to/YzIdic
Otherwise, having the spice itself on hand is an excellent idea:

2. Hawthorn Berry is another substance that contains polymers that aid in heart function. In fact, regular use of hawthorn berry aids in toning / strengthening the heart. And taking a larger than normal does of Hawthorn upon trouble with the heart will in most cases correct the functioning of the heart.

Hawthorn berry tablets can be found here: http://amzn.to/XGmbNS

Also, remember to keep the heart arteries healthy by ingesting oils rich in omega-3's such as fish oil or the even more effective hemp seed oil. These and fine vegetable oils aid in nourishing the heart, which requires natural oils and fatty acids for health. The heart runs on these materials as fuel.

You can find an excellent fish oil here: http://amzn.to/ZWHfw4
Hemp seed oil capsules can be found here: http://amzn.to/ZWHwzc

Otherwise, simply chewing on an aspirin can often buy one enough time to stay conscious in order to get medical attention in the appropriate amount of time.

Please share as this can save a person's life! Knowing how to use these natural substances is a good addition to anyone's knowledge base in the event of an emergency.

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Survival Seeds Pack - 15,000 Non GMO Heirloom Vegetable Seeds 30 Variety Pack: http://amzn.to/1RIEJaX

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